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Risotto with seafood
Creamy and wonderful tasting seafood risotto
Course Pasta
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 60 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Passive Time 30 minutes
Course Pasta
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 60 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Passive Time 30 minutes
  1. Rinse the clams with fresh running water to remove residues (sand and dust) from the shells
  2. Place the clams in a container that you have previously filled with water (at room temperature) and salted with sea salt (do not use iodized salt). Leave the clams into the water for at least 30 minutes
  3. Rinse the mussels by rubbing each other under a stream of continuous fresh water (to remove sand and dust). Remove the byssus of the mussels by pulling down and out
Cooking the mussels
  1. Place the mussels into a pot with the addition of one garlic and same parsley as shown
  2. Cover and cook at low-medim for around 5 minutes. When the cooking is complete (all the mussels should appear open) remove the pot from the stove
  3. Once cooled down, chop the mussels but keep few of them to be used during the cooking along with the rice. Keep the liquid
  4. Keep the liquid deposited on the bottom of the pot. This would be used during the cooking of the rice
Cooking the clams
  1. Follow the steps "Preliminary steps - 30 minutes", "Cooking the clams" described within the recipe
Cooking the prawns
  1. In a pan with a thin layer of oil, heat a clove of garlic previously cut in half and some chopped white onion. Add the prawns previously cut in small slices. Add one teaspoon of the copped garlic and parsley. Add the white wine and let the wine evaporate
The main cooking phase - the rice
  1. Place the one garlic cut in two and the chopped onion into a cooking pan along with olive oil. Cook at medium
  2. Put the rice and stir for two or three minutes then water with white wine. Let the wine evaporate completely
  3. Add some of the the liquid from the cooking of the mussels and stir. By adding some more liquid and vegetal broth, bring the rice halfway through cooking and the add the chopped mussels. Stir and cook for one minute
  4. Put at the prawns and the mussels by continuing stirring
  5. Add some of the liquid from the mussels and/or vegetal broth
  6. Add the clams
  7. Add three teaspoon of the chopped garlic and parsley. The whole preparation should now result creamy. Check the cooking of the rice that should be "al dente"
  1. Now you are ready to serve in a more classic common way
  2. Or in more fine manner
Recipe Notes

Try to use as less vegetable broth as possible. Put the liquid from the cooking of the mussels instead

The rice must be stirred for the entire the cooking time


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